5 Unusual Jobs That Exist

As wide and as varied as the world is, there will be someone needing something done. This is how niche vocations are created, and some of them even pay extremely well.
Here are five unusual jobs you can apply for:
Voice-Over Professional
Ever heard of the phrase, “You have a voice for radio”? That’s a job, and it’s ideal for those who can control the tone and volume of their voice to get a message across.
Professional Snuggler
Some people need a little more extra affection than others, so much so they are even willing to pay for it. You can be expected to spend a few minutes embracing a client, to even napping with them for an hour or two. Talk about getting paid to sleep on the job!
Pet Food-Taster
Fancy yourself an animal lover, and want to make sure they’re eating right? Why not test their food, and see if it’s up to flavour and nutritional standards.
If you like laying in bed, surrounded by pillows and enjoying the comfort of your mattress, then this could be your ideal, laidback job. It does get technical, though, as you will need to see if a mattress has any lumps and check for hardness – and softness – to make sure it is just right.
Body Part Model
Modelling doesn’t just mean having a drop-dead gorgeous face or tight physique. Having hands, eyes or even remarkable feet can also sell. Hand models can sell products such as watches or food. The opportunities are nearly limitless.